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Loaded Vegan Nachos

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Oh hey guys hey!! It’s Fri-YAY!! What should we do to celebrate this?? Make NACHOS!!! Oh yes, I went there!

Ok so I haven’t had nachos is donkeys years and when these bad boys were cooking, it took me back to the days when I used to frequent Taco Bill’s and it’s bringing me back all those Mexican feels! Do you remember those fish bowls from Taco Bills?! Those massive cocktails that literally looked like fish bowls? I had them on only two occasions with a group of friends and we wore those Mexican hats, oh the good old days! I forgot just how easy and delicious nachos were?!


I mention in the recipe that you can add any of your favourite toppings that I haven’t already added into these nachos. I chose to add cooked black rice instead of black beans only because I had some left over black rice and it’s very appropriate for nachos right? I’ve just added the classic nacho toppings but you’re so welcome to go a little cray cray with them. What are some of your other favourite ingredients to add to your nachos??

Can you believe it’s already the weekend again tomorrow??! How fast are these weeks going? So much food, so little time! I have quite a few recipes I need to tick off of my to-do list over this weekend but I ain’t complaining, especially because someone, who will remain nameless *me*, has to gobble everything all up! If we all lived close, how good would our tea parties be??!! Please let’s make that happen in the future!


When should you eat nachos you ask?! Well I enjoyed them for my lunch today, it was a late lunch but nonetheless, still lunch! Or they make the best appetiser, especially if you’re entertaining and having guests over. If so, just double or triple this recipe depending on your party size! They will impress all of your guests, I love how that rhymes.

Alright you guys!! I hope you all had a fabulous week and take this weekend to have some R&R because you deserve it! See you tomorrow!!


Loaded Vegan Nachos
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Nachos, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Serves: Serves: 2-4
  • 1 packet corn chips, gluten free if preferred
  • ⅔ cup cooked black rice or cooked black beans
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 1 medium capsicum, chopped
  • ¾ cup corn kernels
  • ¾ cup store-bought tomato salsa
  • Half - one large avocado, mashed
  • 1 - 1½ cups grated vegan cheese
  1. Preheat oven to 180ºC (356ºF). Lightly grease a small oven tray.
  2. Arrange corn chips inside oven tray.
  3. Place remaining ingredients all over the corn chips, going down the list and ending with a layer of grated cheese.
  4. Bake in oven for 5-15 minutes or until cheese has melted and corn chips are lightly golden.
  5. Remove and add any extra toppings if desired.
  6. Serve and enjoy!
These corn chips are best consumed straight away. They won’t keep as they will go stale and soggy after a few hours.
You may add any of your desired toppings to these corn chips, go crazy!
I used gluten free blue and yellow corn chip for my nachos which I found from my local health food store.



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